EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Thursday 21 April 2011

The EU spending money they don't have.

We've all been told time and time again by "The Powers That Be" that the credit crunch is our fault. We got credit cards and took out loans for goods and services hoping we would be able to pay them back.

The EU has done the same thing. Spent money it didn't have, now it expects us to pay it's debt.


I know everyone else has posted this but unless we all make a fuss, they're just not going to get the message.

Conservative Home and "Tim, Tim, Nice but Dim" Montgomery. I have just one question really. What use is Conservative Home? The whole site is filled with whinging tories who time and time again make it pretty obvious that they are thoroughly pissed off.

What happens as a consequence. FUCK ALL! That's what. So if the Conservatives don't listen to their own members, what chance have the rest of us got?

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Party Political Broadcast

and the Stasi marches on.....

The Daily Mail reports on a little known new directive by our beloved government this morning concerning car insurance. Whilst I agree that driving without insurance is something that should not be tolerated, these measures are again designed to punish the "whole", rather than just the guilty ones

The same measures are being used throughout the European Union in every area of our lives to build a giant network of computers just to keep a continuous eye on us all.

The Department for Transport says: ’Under continuous insurance enforcement' it will be an offence to keep an uninsured vehicle, rather than just to drive when uninsured.

Yes folks, it means if you have parked your "uninsured vehicle" on your own private land without declaring SORN, you will be clamped/fined regardless of whether you drive it or not. So, if you have parked your car in your back garden on private land, don't be surprised to see policemen peering over your fence!

As usual the government fail to see the "elephant in the room" and haven't considered the possibility that those culprits that drive without insurance will be rushing to rent garages.They'll store their killing machines safely from the eyes of the Stasi and spying database (and I thought we were short on Policemen?)

It was obviously too much like hard work just to adequately  punish the guilty when they were discovered or had caused an accident. Now, forewarned, it will be even harder because their vehicles will be safely tucked away.

Official Government website with more information is here

Monday 18 April 2011

AVing a laugh, aren't you?

Let's get this VIRAL


Cameron on Sky

Cameron : I believe AV is wrong, power lies with the people, not political elites!

.... and for those of you who missed it the first time, here's a quick reminder....

So, we want our referendum now.

TRUE FINNS - Democracy bites back!

Finnish voters dealt a blow to Europe's plans to rescue Portugal and other debt-ridden economies, ousting the pro-bailout government and giving a major boost to a Eurosceptic nationalist party.

With all ballots counted, the biggest vote-winner was the conservative National Coalition Party, part of the outgoing centre-right government and a strong advocate for European integration.

But its main ally, the Centre Party, led by prime minister Mari Kiviniemi, said it would drop out of the government after falling behind two opposition parties that have challenged eurozone bailouts.

The anti-immigration and staunchly Eurosceptic True Finns do not see why Finland should rescue Europe's "squanderers", while the Social Democrats have called for changes to how they are funded.

The outcome means conservative leader Jyrki Katainen will have to invite at least one of them to coalition talks, raising questions about Finland's support for rescue packages that need unanimous approval in the 17-member eurozone.

"This result will give Europe grey hair," political analyst Olavi Borg said. "It will cause them problems over the bailout funds."



Saturday 16 April 2011

Keep control of your democracy says Dave. I'm Stunned!

UPDATE : It's 4.50 Sunday and I've spotted the one and only comment. I guess the rest of them just weren't printable... notice the use of the word "smarmy"... must be the photo Dave!

Click to enlarge

KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR DEMOCRACY says the smarmie little fuck!

Just waiting for the Daily Express readers to "Have their Say"

Friday 15 April 2011

Spanish holidays are now great value.

Just a quick plug!

Forget holidays at home and cut-price breaks to Turkey, if you're looking for value for money the Spanish Costas are the most affordable destination in Europe.

British holidaymakers will get more for their cash on the Iberian Peninsula than any other hotspot, with prices in Spain dipping to a four-year low, according to a new survey.

Recession-hit Spain has slashed prices after the number of Britons visiting the country dropped by 15 to 20 per cent, due to the double whammy of financial woes at home and the buoyant euro.

Daily Mail

The weather is beautiful now and it's still really cheap to have a night out.

European Court says no ISP needs to filter internet

Plans by various governments to turn Internet Service Providers into unpaid copyright cops working on behalf of Big Content have been given a thumbs down by the European Court of Justice.

All those ISPs who are currently filtering out The Pirate Bay and AllOfMP3 are actually breaking the law, rather than enforcing it.  France's three strikes law, Spain's proposed court action against pirates, and the UK's forthcoming laws are all a breach of European Rights laws.

There are ways around the ruling. Laws can be written requiring an ISP filter or block parts of the internet, but they have to conform to very strict rules that are applied to laws limiting fundamental rights, such as those preventing terrorism. But ISPs can't choose to limit what they present as "The Internet".

The very first time I've seen the ECJ defending ordinary people's rights!


Wednesday 13 April 2011

A cynical reflection before Easter

Easter is nearly upon us and I am wondering what the "religio politically correct" team of equality obsessed deranged, psychotics have in store for us.

Those of you who voted conservative in the election are by now coming to realise that not only did we NOT get a conservative government but our country is being run by a bunch of left wing Hooray Henry imbeciles. Champagne Socialists are notorious for wanting to share their feelings of deep guilt at being born rich and how better to alleviate that, than with a "whipping boy".

Fortunately for the EU, they're the perfect inbred variety of politician called "Simpering Clueless Lapdog".

Appeasing Islam seems to be the global fashion at the moment, especially during our traditional religious festivals.

I suppose when a group of fanatical despots puts a gun against your head it's easier to comply than stick to your principles and the current UK government manages to operate utterly devoid of backbone, unless it's threatening it's own people..

With the banning of the face veil in France, the usual group of frenzied Islamofascists are making their voices heard and the religion of peace is once again threatening jihad if they don't get their own way. I would prefer it if the MSM didn't refer to these people as "British" in any shape or form, I find it deeply offensive but who care's when I'm offended?

"The Land of the Free" under the governance of their new multicoloured, leftwing, spamhead, has long since lost its lustre and has, like the UK, been thrown into utter confusion confronted with that same obsession of "equality". Nothing is more damaging to either culture than a group of righteous claiming to speak on behalf of minorities by enforcing the most ridiculous rules that they can come up with. If their aim is to bring to fruition their utopian dream of us living together in harmony, nothing could be more damaging to that vision than things like this :

A local private high school in Seattle has taken this absurdity to it's pinnacle.
Jessica, 16, told KIRO Radio's Dori Monson Show that a week before spring break, the students commit to a week-long community service project. She decided to volunteer in a third grade class at a public school, which she would like to remain nameless.

"At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but I was kind of unsure how the teacher would feel about that," Jessica said.
She was concerned how the teacher might react to the eggs after of a meeting earlier in the week where she learned about "their abstract behaviour rules."
"I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay," Jessica explained. "She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat 'spring spheres.' I couldn't call them Easter eggs."

Notice that even the kids took the the rise out of this and put the grownups straight! The article ends with "The Seattle elementary school isn't the only government organisation using spring over Easter. The city's parks department has removed Easter from all of its advertised egg hunts"

If you follow the link it takes you to a map of "Easter Egg Hunts". The word "Easter" seems to have been put back, perhaps one of the 16 year old kids had to remind them of how idiotic the whole thing has become.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

A truly great European.

"Let me use this opportunity to say a few words about something I know better, about the continent from where I just came, about Europe. The developments there bother me. I don’t see any reason to describe the current Europe in a propagandistic way, or using rosy colours or rosy glasses. Many of us in Europe are convinced that Europe faces a serious problem, which is not a short-term, or medium-term business cycle phenomenon. It is not an integral part of a recent global crisis either. It is something very European. As an economist, I would call it a structural problem which will not – by itself – wither away.

It used to look quite differently in the past. The post-World War II reconstruction was a success and even in the following decades Europe was growing, was peaceful and stable, and was relevant. What happened in Europe and with Europe? What went wrong? Why is Europe less successful and less relevant today?

I am deeply convinced that it is a result of two interrelated phenomena – of the European integration process on the one hand and of the European economic and social system on the other.

I will start with the first topic because I repeatedly see that the people on other continents do not have a proper understanding of the European integration process, of its effects and consequences. It is partly because they do not care, partly because they believe that a regional integration is – regardless of its form, style, methods and ambitions – an exclusively positive, progressive, politically correct development. They probably accept the conventional wisdom that the weakening of nation states and the strengthening of supranational institutions is a movement in the right direction"

You can read the entire speech here

With thanks to The New Nostrodamus of the North

Monday 11 April 2011

The Eutopian Never, ever, ever land of EU Finance Ministers

(GODOLLO) EU finance ministers defended Saturday the imposition of painful austerity measures and called for public "understanding," as thousands of protesters were to gather in Budapest.

"People must understand that we are not making savings to make people angry, we are making savings in order to be able to pay in future for our social policies," Luxembourg's Luc Frieden said as ministers held a second day of talks dominated by a deal to bail out Portugal.

Large protests turned ugly in recent weeks in London and Brussels.

"I understand (the demonstrations) but I think it is wrong," said German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

Sweden's Anders Borg also said "I just don't  understand why the demos are continuing",

The "Informal ECONFIN" was at the ROYAL PALACE OF GÖDÖLLŐ where the European Union finance ministers, central bankers, and their entire entourage of assistants, sidekicks and researchers—about 300 people—were treated over the weekend to a feast of giant pig, matching wines and traditional Hungarian culture.

There was a horse-carriage show, Hungarian musicians playing folk and jazz, traditional fish soup and palinka, a spirit made of fermented fruit.

These people really are complete and utter cunts! (excuse my fucking French!). What about conferencing over the internet?


THIS is what it's come to, what a fucking sorry state we're in!

PM: 'Ignore Council Busybodies - Throw A Party'

I have Skynews on, not because I like it, it's a distraction, a sound in the background while I'm surfing the net, working or doing the housework.

What I just saw, shows how fucking sad we've become. The New Prime Mentalist with a group of GROWN PEOPLE round him grinning like cretinous cheshire cats because he said "If you want a street party, have one".

Standing there patronisingly speaking to what can only be described as state induced hypnotic sheeple rejoicing that their parental units are allowing them a party!

Watch the video, look at the body language.........I think I'm going to be sick.

NB. I remember reading somewhere that we infantilise dogs by supplying them with their food, comfort, walks etc...for in the wild they would be fending for themselves. This is what the state has done to it's people!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Austerity for the rest of us, business class for them!


MEPs have said parliament's budget should be increased by 2.3 percent next year.

So we can pay for their business class flights.

While the rest of us, squash, squeeze and get numb bums for the duration of our journeys, the politburo fly business class!

Plans for the 2012 funding increase, contained in a report by centre-right MEP José Manuel Fernandes, were adopted on Wednesday (6 April) by 479 votes to 176, with 23 abstentions. The hike was earlier supported by parliament's budget committee, and comes despite a call for more modest one percent rise from the European Commission.

Defending the move, Portuguese euro-deputy Fernandes said  "We want all the expenses to be justified and we want the variable expenses to be subject to a cost-benefit analysis. Thus, we could also make savings in execution,"



In adopting the report on Wednesday, MEPs also rejected an amendment to save money by ensuring flights under four hours were carried out on economy class, citing procedural reasons. At present, MEP travel is reimbursed to the level of a business class flight or a first class rail ticket.

LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE! The rejected amendment would have saved between €15 to €20 million a year, according to its proposers Helga Trüpel (Greens/EFA), Lajos Bokros (ECR), Jurgen Klute (GUE/NGL) and Miguel Portas (GUE/NGL).

click to enlarge


Two senior MEPs have launched ambitious plans for a "radical" new approach to the way the EU budget is funded. Under the plans outlined in Strasbourg on Wednesday, member states would in future no longer contribute directly to the budget.

Instead, the EU would generate its own finances, primarily through a "carbon tax" and also EU-wide VAT.
Other possible sources of finance might include a financial transaction tax and "European projects bonds" which would be used to fund major, long-term schemes such as the Galileo satellite navigation system.

The proposals are contained in a key policy paper drafted by ALDE group leader Guy Verhofstadt and Alain Lamassoure, a former French government minister.

Verhofstadt said, "It is easy to dismiss this as a dead duck, but it is important to stress that this is not a case of parliament asking for more money for the budget.

"Our proposals will get citizens interested in the EU and how it is funded. YEAH RIGHT!

He said, "When our economies in Europe are integrated it makes sense to have an integrated budget."


There, I fixed it!

Tee Hee. Martin at Ironie Too noticed I had the wrong Millipede in the previous graphic of our illustrious trio of traitors. 

.There, I fixed it!

To tell you the truth our politburo are all looking a bit the same to me these days!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

AV Explained

I don't expect any of my fellow bloggers to have trouble understanding AV but if you know someone who would like it simply explained, The Guardian has a great animation here

Cameron, being generous with your money!

While university students in ENGLAND are facing fees of up to £9,000 per year for a decent education, a third of UK pensioners are looking forward to a life of poverty and each working family is facing the prospect of having less and less money for bills and food, Cameron is giving Pakistan £650 million of aid, for education.

Cameron said on SkyNews that illiteracy and poverty are the main causes of terrorism.

That's not true though is it Cameron or I can assure you your infestation of bureaucrats would be in fear of your lives every minute of the day.

Infact, only in January, The Telegraph's Ruth Dudley Edwards did a post entitled "British universities: seats of learning – and loathing".

Many British universities are breeding grounds for Muslim extremism. Islamic specialist Ruth Dudley Edwards explains why financial need and government interference have rendered academics oblivious to this threat to democratic society.

Don't we give enough aid through the EU and also directly as it is? 

Obviously not, so while the British Government  pillages our purses and rapes our "lottery for good causes" for an Olympic extravaganza that will probably all be pulled down's also

Stealing £19 million for an EU Museum that we don't want.
Giving amnesty to half a million illegal immigrants, that we will have to give benefits to because it's cutting our Border Police,
Using our taxes to fight three wars in the name of democracy while we live in a totalitarian, socialist, dictatorship whilst denying us the right to have a referendum.
Charging the English more for their prescriptions
Handing over a nett £20 billion of our hard earned cash to the EU
Cutting benefits for the disabled
Closing libraries (our kids obviously don't deserve an education)
Funding a useless European Satellite to spy on us
Leaving less for families to live on
Lecturing us about family holidays
Cutting our defence budgets so third world countries can have a decent pop at us


Monday 4 April 2011

UKIP - The Local Manifesto!

Democracy first. We, the people, shall rule

We will –

Empower local people by giving you the right to call binding referenda on local issues
Let you, the people, decide major planning schemes like supermarkets by referendum
Grant no right of appeal from the people’s decisions on planning schemes
Introduce election for county health, education and police boards
Expect your councillors to put the people’s needs first, ahead of party dogmas
Make councils, schools, police, hospitals, planning and social care put local people first
Keep central government out of local government, abolish regional government
Restore our ancient county, borough and parish councils
Let councils control their own finances by keeping half of local business rates
Replace VAT with a Local Sales Tax, with a proportion going direct to councils

Council services: No front-line cuts

To maintain and improve front-line council services, we will –

Halt all cuts to front-line council services
Keep police on the beat to protect the people from anti-social behaviour
Improve health care for the elderly
Develop youth services
Maintain the roads properly
Give rates relief to local businesses
Increase provision of free parking
Invest in high-quality state education
Preserve our public libraries
Improve public transport
Energise the voluntary sector
Devolve budgets, not burdens
End aspirational waffle about local communities. The Big Society is a big mistake

Protecting local people from crime

To keep the people and the streets safe, we will –

Oppose votes for prisoners
Halt the scrapping of police jobs
Refuse to tolerate any antisocial behaviour or petty crime
Build more prisons
Make sentences mean what they say
Elect county police boards to let local people set police priorities
Cut police form-filling and free officers for real  police work
Crack down on nuisance neighbours

Immigration: Britain for the British first

To cut immigration and the heavy cost of immigration, we will –

End Labour’s immigration free-for-all, which let in three million in 13 years
Withhold all State benefits from immigrants for five years
Introduce proper border controls Increase UK Border Agency staff as needed
Freeze permanent immigration for five years until we sort out the system
Deport all illegal immigrants
Target working visas only on those with the skills we need

Planning for our green and pleasant land

To put the people in charge of the decisions that affect our countryside, we will –

Put people’s wishes above central government and big business with planning referenda
Ban new windfarms and subject existing ones to democratic local planning procedures
Protect with new Conservators
Annul the Localism Bill’s right to build on green belt
Direct new housing and business developments to brown-field, not green-field, sites
Build new nuclear and clean-coal power plants to secure our energy supply
Use existing houses more efficiently by encouraging rentals

Health: Sorting out the National Health Service

To keep the health service safe and protect our elderly and disabled people, we will –

Let the people elect county health boards to oversee vital services
Halt all cuts in front-line NHS doctors, surgeons, dentists and nurses
Axe failing, surplus NHS management Reintroduce proper matrons to run clean hospitals
Make specialist care available as needed, to save lives now lost through delay
Cut waiting lists to European levels – Poland treats cancer patients faster than we do

Education: Put pupils and parents first

To bring Britain’s education up to international standards, we will –

Let the people elect county education boards to make our schools better
Scrap useless paperwork and trust teachers to do their jobs
Build more Grammar Schools
Insist that schools teach the 3 Rs
Close colleges using bogus courses as a back door into Britain for foreign students
Reinstate the student grant and educational maintenance allowance
Encourage vocational apprenticeships
Give parents the right to choose where their children go to school
Protect rural schools
Encourage home schooling

Housing: Local British people first

To address the housing shortage caused by three million immigrants in 13 years, we will –

Restore proper controls on immigration to ease the demand for housing
Incentivise re-use of 970,000 empty houses, equal to eight years’ English house-building

Transport: Keeping our communities on the move

To keep Britain moving, we will –

Let the people decide on local transport infrastructure by calling binding referenda
Reopen local railway lines where needed
Preserve wayleaves of disused railway lines in case they are needed again
Halt widespread over-zealousness in parking enforcement
Remove all speed cameras, except those proven to reduce accidents or demanded by the community
Provide free parking at all hospitals
Protect free parking for Blue Badge holders
Protect rural bus services

BUT, whatever we, the people, want or decide...

UKIP would like to point out that unelected EU
bureaucrats set overall policy in –

Foreign affairs l Economic affairs
Public health l Transport
Justice l Energy
Employment l Environment
Police l Farming
Social affairs l Fisheries
Immigration l Law enforcement

And they won’t stop there. That is why we want
our national and our local democracy back.

 If you want it too, vote UKIP with pride.

Download the whole thing from here

Sunday 3 April 2011

The EU being generous with our money!

Addis Ababa — The European Union has announced $92.2 million new donation to the Africa Union Somalia peacekeeping mission (Amisom).

The peacekeepers have made impressive gains against radical Islamists al-Shabaab in the past few months.

EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs said the donation was aimed at helping keep the peacekeeping force in place and providing them with the means to do their job more easily.

"There can be no development without security," Mr Piebalgs told reporters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.