EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Tuesday 16 February 2010

What a fucking mess!

Labours diversity experiment and membership of the EU is bringing the UK to its knees... this can't end well and the Conservatives remain quiet...... as usual.


  1. From the article "All three councils were at pains to point out that they welcomed immigration"

    Well in that case I've got no sympathy when they then complain about it in the next breath. You're either for or against importing Labour-voting welfare-scrounging NHS-abusing benefits parasites. There isn't a middle ground.

  2. What is it with the tories that they can't act like a decent opposition? Useless they are.

  3. MV, This should be interesting with immigration shaping up to be an election battleground - none of the bastards want to discuss it!

    Subrosa - could not agree more! It is indeed a sad state of affairs when the blogosphere acts as the official opposition.

  4. Our country and its infrastructure cannot continue to sustain a fast growing population.

    Our welfare system needs to be changed for foreigners. Only people who have paid into the system should get anything out of it. No social housing in Maida Vale for claimants and their hordes of kids. Kids need to be able to speak English before they go to an English school. Our kids education is being dragged down by too much pandering to those that can't speak English.

    In any case, I believe that family allowances and support for children needs to stop at a certain number. Those that have more than two children need to realise that the taxpayer will not fund their broods of kids!

  5. Its absolute crap that Eastern Europeans are returning home. When I was back home in Inverness last October the place was still full of them. A bus from south somewhere pulled up, and a long straggling line of Poles wheeling and carrying their possessions got off it. There were none waiting to make the journey back.

    To cap it all, a Polish family of I think 5, appeared in the local paper complaining that they had not been given much furniture for their new council house. Not only pushed their way into the front of a waiting list of years, but demanded it be furnished to their satisfaction. The only working member of the family had a part time job as a cleaner 12/15 hrs a week, so no doubt housing allowance and family credits came into play. Are we mad or what?

  6. Correction - the Conservatives have not gone quiet; the Cameron-Clarke Labour Clone Party has.

  7. DaveP.. its our welfare system. Here in Spain if you don't work and pay into the system for a minimum of a year, you get nothing. You and your family are literally "on the street, penniless"...

    That's why they flock to Britain. That's why we are in a "socialist, welfare mess"... and good ole Cameron of the NrConmerchants Party won't do a thing to stop it.

    Why should he care? He lives in a nice white area and his kids will no doubt go to the best schools.
