EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Conservative Survival

Over the past months many people have abandoned Labour and changed their allegiences to other parties. If David Cameron wants to keep and attract more to the Conservative Party, he has to do the right thing on expenses.

Each and everyone of his people need to be investigated. Each and everyone of them needs to pay back the money they took fraudently and each and everyone of those found guilty need to apologise and explain themselves to the public.

This will be something that Labour will NOT DO. They won't do it because they still think they've done nothing wrong. 

That, more than anything, will annoy the people!


  1. I hope this happens and nips my Brown thesis in the bud!

  2. You forgot automatic deselection of any MP guilty of impropriety.

  3. Trouble is Cato, how many would we have left?

  4. I'm with Catosays, kind of. I'd say withdraw the whip from the thieving ones now, whether they pay the money back or not. Then tell them most will be forgiven before the election depending on how they behave between now and then, but the worst ten or twelve will be thrown to the wolves. Maybe as many as half. How many would be left isn't a problem Sue - Cameron and local Conservative Associations will have more and better candidates to choose from than the feckless fucks now. That's what I'd do if I was Cameron.

    However, since I'm actually me what I'd prefer to do involves a wall, a lot of blindfolds and a carton of 200 Benson & Hedges. The Tories are pretty much Diet NuLabour, just as lefties I know bitched that NuLabour was only Diet Tory. The pair of them and the unLiberal Democrats are all clustered together and stand for almost nothing but their own unspoken desire to rule. Not govern, rule. As such they're all equally undeserving of any support and quite possibly, with the exception of a small number of individuals, equally venal and corrupt. Might need another couple of cartons of B&H if anyone's passing a baccy shop.

  5. The Conservatives are bound to win the election. What we must make sure is, that we don´t let them get away with anything. If they think we have blogging, petitioning and campaigning just for them to carry on in the same way as Labour, they are very much mistaken.

  6. You're right Sue, but what boils my piss is that Cameron is still just another paternalist who'll drop his trousers and grip his ankles for the corrupt EU government, and who'll either do bugger all about shrinking the size of the state or actually increase it. Yet he's probably going to get in with a very healthy majority in a year-ish time, so like Blair and Broon he'll be in the position of not having to give a shit about blogging, petitioning and campaigning.

  7. I think he did o.k yesterday - a bit weak so far on PMQs today - could've ripped into Brown a bit more. The Tories HAVE to give us a referendum on Europe. You're right Sue . . we CANNOT let them get away with ANYTHING once they get in. We also cannot let them end up like this defunct Labour government.
