EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Monday 22 August 2011

The EU has become unfashionable!

Check out all the other videos at The CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) International Activists Film Festival


  1. Good one Sue. Edward will be pleased. :)

  2. I must admit, I'd look away too if he put down that towel :)

  3. Could be worse, Sue. A towel with Ashton's mug on it!

  4. So the poor fellow does what everybody else wants to do and plonks his arse on the EU flag?

  5. Oldrightie, Or both!

    Mark, or wraps in pert body in it? I think it's good anti-EU propaganda, the type that doesn't offend anyone but the EUrocrats!

  6. Very tastefully done, and therefore not at all true to life. A realistic EU-Man would have been grotesquely obese and helped himself to money from the girls' bags, possibly turkey slapping one or two for good measure, before buying himself a nice big ice cream for twice the going rate. Even that's a toned down version in order to prevent people throwing up before the end.

  7. Anyone laying that towel down on the beach deserves to get sand kicked in his face ..
