EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Talking of Convenient Criminals

Pub Landlord Nick Hogan – Jailed over No-smoking Ban.

Copied Directly from Anna Raccoons

"There has been a fair amount of comment in the blogosphere regarding the six month jail sentence given to Nick Hogan for flouting the ‘no-smoking ban’.

We have to raise £10,000 to get the poor man out of prison! He should not be there.

Please nip over to Anna's on ways of donating to this fund... it can't take long to get together 10K

From the Telegraph "Gordon Brown has set out new measures to tackle anti-social behaviour as he put the fight against the fear of crime and yobbery at the heart of the general election battle".

Oh yes, what election campaign "A future Fair for All"

Click to enlarge

Obviously if Mr Hogan had been a copper or a cocaine dealer (or preferably both), he'd have had a suspended sentence!

Donation Points at Anna Raccoons and Old Holborns

Let's get the poor man out and spit in the eye of Government!!!! Bunch of C*nts!


  1. Agreed, stuck in a quid or two myself. Put up a pic and link to OH on my site.

  2. This is how we can begin to fight any government that is systematically abusing their power.
