***Please invite your friends if you have joined and spread the word!***"No government of any colour is to be trusted with such a roadmap to our souls": Ken McDonald, former head of the CPS.The government has unveiled plans for a private company to run a "superdatabase" that will track all our emails, calls, texts, internet use and so on. This is an immense infringement of civil liberties, not to mention a major risk to our private data - but it won't make us any safer. The sheer amount of information that the Government intends to collect will be impossible to analyse properly and will undoubtedly turn up false positives while missing potential security threats amongst the morass of spam emails and private chat.Read more at:http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/dec/31/privacy-civil-libertiesSo, for one day, we should send a message to the Home Office - "you want to see our emails? Ok then, here they are then!".***Please do not ask the date as it has not been decided! You will be told as soon as I know.***We do this by simply cc'ing or bcc'ing every email we send (and if you like, forwarding every email you receive), regardless of importance or content, to public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk.That way Jacqui Smith and the Home Office will be able to see how difficult it will be to get on with their actual work - keeping our country safe - when they're trying to monitor every harmless private thing we say and do.
Membership of this site was Update 20th January - 1,000 members reached and today it is at 3591 so has grown quite considerably in 2 days!
I found this on : TechRadar Website and is also on The Register
Sounds a rather jolly jape, shall send her a load of them.
ReplyDeleteshall keep an eye on the membership. I wouldn't have taken it seriously but for the mention in The Register and several IT publications :)
ReplyDeleteI have a great Spam account, Nigerian phishing included!
I will keep an eye on the date that is agreed and put it up on here as a reminder to everyone.
I think I shall join several really sleazy chat networks just for the day...
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, I have a horrible spam account. I always get emails that are directed at men though, you know the ones.. penis enlargement, Russian brides.. they never do ads aimed at women, its quite disappointing :(