EU, the ultimate statist thieves

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Geert Wilders

I have been reading in the news and various blogs about the controversial film "Fitna". I got one of my young friends to download it for me from a torrent site as I wanted to make up my own mind before I commented on it. 

I don't read arabic, so I don't know if the translation is literal and I also don't know how moderate muslims interpret the verses mentioned, but if extremists are using these verses to murder people, then I would consider them a danger to us all. 

It is the people in this film and those that support their ideals that should be arrested for inciting violence and murder! Geert Wilders merely exercised the right we are "meant" to have to FREE SPEECH. If moderate muslims are to separate themselves from the extremists, they must speak out and condemn these people. If we do it, we are called racists, it is up to them.

No doubt the bible contains similar material and we don't all go round executing each other in the name of our Gods.

If you haven't see it yourself, I have found a copy here. I'm not sure how long the link will stay up but it's the only one I can find with English subtitles. If you want to download it, I have found that VideoDownloadHelper (which is a plugin for Firefox) will do the job.

I am not a religious person, infact I would describe myself as a non believer. I am also of the opinion that religion has caused more wars, death and misery than anything else in the history of the world. I do however, believe in Free Speech!

I find it increasingly worrying that the more extreme members of Islam are managing to control many aspects of life in the West. I cannot understand why the UK is allowing things like Sharia Law to become part of our legal system. After all, to be fair, we have to conform if we visit or move to an Islamic country. What makes them so special that we all have to change our way of thinking and our laws to suit them in the UK?

It's a sensitive subject purely because they have manipulated governments into making it so by complaining everytime Islam is criticised. 

What the government and Islam have to understand is, we live in a democracy. I may not agree with what someone says, but I will argue to defend the right for them to have that opinion.

I therefore, officially SUPPORT GEERT WILDERS 


  1. Petition duly signed. I disagree with your statement, Sue, "I am also of the opinion that religion has caused more wars, death and misery than anything else in the history of the world. I do however, believe in Free Speech!"
    It's all about PEOPLE and their desire to have power over others, regardless of any umbrella cover chosen. Have you seen OH today? More freedom junked by The Labourazi.

  2. Like most organisations, religions have the power to either control/corrupt or help/console people.

    In my opinion the former is used too often in the name of "God".

    It's a shame God doesn't exist or I'm sure he/she would have objected by now.

    Perhaps it's time to invest in some "spy equipment"
